Tag Archive for: fun activities for children

make your own toothpaste (Copy)

Toothpaste! It’s something our family uses everyday and it got me questioning whether there was a more healthy option that wasn’t from a company that tested on animals and also, importantly, didn’t come packaged in yet more plastic. I put the question out there on the Eco Atlas forum and there was much interest and discussion and one of the best options seemed to be to make your own, that way you know exactly what’s in it AND you can use your own re-usable glass jar and cut out the plastic completely!

So, we made our own toothpaste and it may not be white, as we expect toothpaste to be, but it IS healthy and planet friendly. And the bonus is that the children tried it out and approve! It helps that they actually made it themselves.




1 tablespoon coconut oil (warm gently till liquid)
1 tablespoon olive oil
10 Calc Fluor tissue salt tablets (crushed to powder)
1 tablespoon Bentonite Clay
2-4 Drops Peppermint Essential oil (to taste)

 Mix the coconut oil and olive oil together and then add the powders, adjust quantities until it’s a toothpaste consistency (you may need to add more tissue salts and Bentonite Clay but remember the coconut oil will solidify again in winter so keep it a bit sloppy and it will harden). Mix in the peppermint oil then seal it in a small glass jar.



I used the Sassui recipe as a base but didn’t have Xylitol so didn’t add that or the lemon juice and it seemed to work fine, but visit their Facebook page for the original full recipe. Sassui make the most fabulously sumptuous skin care products, natural and only tested on human bunnies.

If you’re not up for making your own toothpaste or can’t find all the ingredients, but would still like to go the natural route then have a look at Faithful to Nature’s range of toothpastes, they really research their products well and they’ll deliver to you! Just make sure to recycle those toothpaste tubes!

