Change Makers | Ikhaya Garden

Xolisa Bangani, Head Farmer and Founder of Ikhaya Garden at Isikhokelo Primary School in Site C, Khayelitsha, Cape Town. ©David Peter Harris
“At first I started with the passion for nature and growing produce; now I love seeing the project running, young people stepping up and doing great work for food security, sustainability and care for the environment here at Isikhokelo Primary School and the larger community in Khayelitsha. A tip for Social Innovators? Learn how to stay independent and local, but attract different people, from different places and you’ll see something special happening.”
Started in September 2013 as a community based organization, Ikhaya Garden in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, is an organic food gardening and sustainable living project, aiming to involve the youth by creating a connection with nature while strengthening the bond between the school and the community as part of social development. Xolisa is leading change in his community by portraying gardening as a fun, cool model that mixes art and gardening. After only a little more than year from its creation, Ikhaya Kulture has started spreading in the community in the form of other projects in Khayelitsha.
Contact Ikhaya Garden on their Eco Atlas page, spread the Ikhaya Kulture and join them on their next planting day/ workshop. It’s real fun!