The change starts with you
Step 1: Join the Eco Atlas community here. You’ll receive a useful one page info pack to get the basics going at home on your journey to becoming more eco efficient.
You’ll also receive our monthly newsletters with solutions, places to support, innovations and eco trends.
The Inner Circle
Step 2: Join the Inner Circle here and get the benefits of trying out places and products for free to see if they meet with our eco choice criteria.
In order to join you will need to have implemented at least 3 of the eco practices in your own lives. Sign up below and we will send you the checklist to see if you qualify.
Once added to the Inner circle you will receive all kinds of special offers to test out products and places good for the planet and you’ll need to write reviews on them.
You will also benefit by being added to our group where we will discuss eco challenges and solutions of your and other homes and businesses, with Eco Atlas founder Rhian Berning.
Get More Involved
Ways to participate and get active in the Eco Atlas movement for a better world.
Recommend a place
Eco Atlas is all about the power of choice and placing the power of choice back in your hands through information we would all like to know. If there is a fantastic place or product YOU know about, please share the love here so we can all support them!
Write a Review
The power of Eco Atlas is in the hands of the community who participates in it. Â Your reviews count a lot in ensuring that places are living up to the Eco Choices they practice. Please make your voice heard, your feedback is essential.
Become an Ambassador
Get active in finding places that are good for both people and the planet and if they sign up you will also benefit as an ambassador.
Share an eco tip
Do you have any useful eco tips and simple life hacks to make life more gentle on the planet? Share them with us by clicking on the button below!
List your business
Would you like your business, event or organisation to be featured on Eco Atlas and be recognised for the good you do? Fill in the online application form to see if you qualify.
Pay it forward
Want to get active and give of your time, mentorship, energy, resources or money to support one of the amazing non-profits or schools working towards a better world? Find the full list of organisations you can support here.
Subscribe to our newsletter
Sign up to our newsletter if you would like information on eco trends and social justice, the latest Eco Atlas places and good practices for a better world.
Join our Conversations with Changemakers group
Join the conversation where we will look more in depth at challenges and solutions for a better world. As well as testing out places and products with good practices.
Follow us on Facebook
We’ll share good news stories about people and places walking the talk, innovations, social justice and eco trends for a better world.
Community News
Enjoy our good news stories and insight articles about people and places actively making a difference for a better world.
The change starts with you
Step 1: Join the Eco Atlas community here. You’ll receive a useful one page info pack to get the basics going at home on your journey to becoming more eco efficient.
You’ll also receive our monthly newsletters with solutions, places to support, innovations and eco trends.
The Inner Circle
Step 2: Join the Inner Circle here and get the benefits of trying out places and products for free to see if they meet with our eco choice criteria.
In order to join you will need to have implemented at least 3 of the eco practices in your own lives. Sign up below and we will send you the checklist to see if you qualify.
Once added to the Inner circle you will receive all kinds of special offers to test out products and places good for the planet and you’ll need to write reviews on them.
You will also benefit by being added to our group where we will discuss eco challenges and solutions of your and other homes and businesses, with Eco Atlas founder Rhian Berning.
Get More Involved
Ways to participate and get active in the Eco Atlas movement for a better world.
Recommend a place
Eco Atlas is all about the power of choice and placing the power of choice back in your hands through information we would all like to know. If there is a fantastic place or product YOU know about, please share the love here so we can all support them!
Write a Review
The power of Eco Atlas is in the hands of the community who participates in it. Â Your reviews count a lot in ensuring that places are living up to the Eco Choices they practice. Please make your voice heard, your feedback is essential.
Become an Ambassador
Get active in finding places that are good for both people and the planet and if they sign up you will also benefit as an ambassador.
Share an eco tip
Do you have any useful eco tips and simple life hacks to make life more gentle on the planet? Share them with us by clicking on the button below!
List your business
Would you like your business, event or organisation to be featured on Eco Atlas and be recognised for the good you do? Fill in the online application form to see if you qualify.
Pay it forward
Want to get active and give of your time, mentorship, energy, resources or money to support one of the amazing non-profits or schools working towards a better world? Find the full list of organisations you can support here.
Subscribe to our newsletter
Sign up to our newsletter if you would like information on eco trends and social justice, the latest Eco Atlas places and good practices for a better world.
Join our Conversations with Changemakers group
Join the conversation where we will look more in depth at challenges and solutions for a better world. As well as testing out places and products with good practices.
Follow us on Facebook
We’ll share good news stories about people and places walking the talk, innovations, social justice and eco trends for a better world.
Community News
Enjoy our good news stories and insight articles about people and places actively making a difference for a better world.